
  • Please allow all orders to ship within 48 business hours of receipt. Please note that shipments should be delivered within 3-5 business days once it is shipped from our location.
  • The customer is responsible for all shipping costs, which may vary depending upon weight, quantity and shipping location.
  • If there is a shipping error on our end, we will cover any additional fees associated with the shipment or reserve the right to issue a refund at our discretion.

Tracking your package

  • Customers may provide an email address with an order in order to receive tracking information. When your order is shipped, you will receive an email from the shipping carrier with your tracking number.

Orders shipped Internationally:

  • Additional fees may apply such as: import duties, brokerage fees, taxes and other related fees. We do not have any control over these charges and cannot give cost estimates in advance. If you would like more information on these fees, you should contact your local customs office for clarification.


  • Product must be purchased directly from our company and returned unopened within 30 days of receipt.


  • If you have any questions about your order, please feel free to contact us via email at .

willpack Will-Pak Foods, Inc.
4471 Santa Ana St., Unit C,
Ontario, CA 91761
(909) 390-0040
(800) 874-0883
Fax: (909) 390-0045

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